What We Do
Information Technology (IT) Services
The LBRE IT team supports the technology needs of all LBRE business units. Principle service areas include application development implementation and support; server and network infrastructure administration; hardware and software support; facilities information management; geographic information systems; Computer Aided Drafting (CAD); and civil surveying and utility locating.
Capital Budget and Capital Plan
Finance & Administration (F&A) has a role in both the Provost’s Capital Planning Group and in developing the Capital Budget and Capital Plan, a section within the annual Budget Plan presented to the Board of Trustees every June.
F&A works closely with the University Budget Office and the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs & CFO to forecast the budget impact of the Capital Plan and to coordinate debt funding for capital projects and programs.
Annual Investment in Plant Assets
Stanford University prides itself on not having a large backlog of deferred maintenance. This very fortunate position results from a model established years ago to address the long term adequacy of investment in Stanford’s physical plant. From a fiduciary and management perspective LBRE asked “are we investing enough capital to preserve and optimize our facilities?” Hence, the Annual Investment In Plant Assets model was created. Based on the lifecycle planning method, the key concept of the model is that if life expectancies are known, then renewal schedules can be predicted.
Underlying the Annual Investment In Plant Assets model is a renewal database that stores information on all campus building and building subsystems, along with their projected replacement costs. The renewal database enables Stanford to assess deferred maintenance, and forecast renewal needs for fifty years. Each year the database is updated by “resetting the clock” on subsystem lives that were replaced during the previous year and reassessing the remaining subsystem lives.